The Fuji X-S1...Released in late 2011 this camera originally cost £700. This was a VAST amount for a bridge camera with a small sensor (Compared to DSLR) despite its huge flexibility, light weight, and up to date technology.
With a few initial lens and sensor issues thrown in the camera was a relative flop at the time of release but enjoyed a loyal band of followers who sought to find out its maximum potential.
Roll forward 3 1/2 years and I have finally managed to acquire this unique and often under appreciated camera. But why? With an arsenal of a Canon 1D mark iii and Fuji's incredible X-T1 available where does the X-S1 fit in? and why have I bought it?
Well...i've bought it because it is the camera which got me I have desired since its release. Out of my price range for a while at just £140 it is now a steal. It allows me to have a camera I can keep with me at all times and not worry about, something I do often with my obvious Canon and expensive X-T1. It has the flexibility I have also desired for a while, allowing me to take quick snapshots but also bird photos to a reasonable quality.
So it really is another arrow in the quiver really. Not a camera I will use for serious work but a fun one to try and get the best out of and to enjoy for casual use and for driving to and from work if a wildlife moment presents itself.
Here are a couple of early test shots:
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